After you read my post about lifestyle on the net,i hope you want to read this article too hehehe.The Internet has become a haven for people looking for recreation.Recently, the Internet has become a source of recreation rather than information.People use it for chat, for playing games, to transfer videos,music and other things.No problem with this, the Internet has developed to provide access to people,everything,for whatever reason,be it for business or pleasure. Nothing wrong with having access to information and other services,the Internet,is how it affects the lives of others.Use of the Internet is a good way pass time away.This was part of its design, to provide recreation to its users.This is's why we have so many activities that are available on the Internet,the chat rooms,easy games you can play online,videos,massive online role playing games, and even poker.All these are recreational activities,which can be accessed via the network.This is all the activities fun,but a negative effect on the number of individuals frequently browse the Internet.

Some people become addicted to the Internet and related technologies to spend so much time from their personal computers.Some of these individuals to sit in front of their computers for a long time developing a very unhealthy habits.Spending too much time in front of computers, is a major contributor to the growing problem in our society now,obesity.This is not a problem just for adults. This problem has become more common in young children as well. As people spend more time in front of their computers become lazy.Since these individuals can't away from away from their computers too much time to develop the habit of eating in front of their computers.

In this way they dont't miss anything. This will if they do not lead to obesity,especially among young children.They spend hours just sitting in front of their screens and are more motivated to play outdoors because it would prefer to play games on the Internet.These kids do not play more,or have any physical activities and in the process of young bodies do not get the right amount of exercise.As a result, their bodies can not burn the calories stored in food intake and their bodies begin storing fat.Their muscles do not develop and thus lead to obesity.This is true even among adults.

While the Internet is not the only cause of the growing problem of obesity in our society, it contributes to this problem among others.Other contributing factors would be irresponsible parenting children and unregulated use of computers.Poor eating habits and lack of proper implementation of contributing to the problem. Internet may not be the sole source of the problem,but rather regulates the use of computers and the Internet among children, could help to reduce this problem.After all,little change in lifestyle for better health would not't hurt anyone.

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